Tuesday, April 17, 2012

RACE: "The real Illusion"

   There is something brewing in the air, many of us can feel it like a change of some kind is coming. Out with the old, in with the new. With the revolts abroad to overthrow old regimes, the 99 percent protest, It's only obvious. All these social issues for change coming to a head, its only natural for this one very important and old issue to rear its ugly head; Racism.  Not only is this issue important to confront, but very necessary. How can humanity move forward, stand up against unjust systems, laws, and governments if we can't come together without these simple prejudices. How can we consider ourselves evolved or enlightened if we pre-judge people on their skin color, not their character, this is lunacy.

 Let's make this one point clear. "THERE ARE NO BIOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES IN ANY ONE RACE"!. Every human being is equal, there is no superior race. As a matter of fact race is merely a social construct, something man created to separate, control, and identify groups of people.  It should be of no surprise when we have these senseless murders such as the Trayvon Martin case and the many other racially motivated crimes that never get public attention. It only comes as a surprise because many of us are existing in an illusion. We feel we are past racism as a society because different races of people work together, eat at the same restaurants, dwell in common social circles, even have happy relationships. Which is good, we have certainly come a long way, but there are some false beliefs that need to be reflected upon and changed, beliefs that hit the problem at the core.
 We have the exterior of the issue somewhat covered but racism is something that's deeply ingrained in societies subconscious, "especially American society".  To change something that's ingrained this deep one must change his way of thinking, to change ones way of thinking he must be shown facts that disprove the old way of thinking.  Then it's up to the individual to think & live in truth or in a lie.

A Few Facts
   With humans there are what paleoanthropist call phenotypic characteristics which is a composite of an organisms observable characteristics or traits. Each race ancestors come from different regions of the world, over time skin became darker or lighter and other body features evolved to be different depending on what part of the world they lived in and the climate. We identify each other by those differences, We are a species, "Homo sapiens". Our species originated in eastern Africa 200,000 years ago, Although new findings show it could have been up to three million years ago with findings of the skeletal remains in Ethiopia a three year old child that they call Salam. We came into our modern selves 50,000 years ago anthropologist call this time Behavioral Modernity, this is when our species began to express cultural creativity and perhaps developed social divisiveness.  That fact is very important especially when aiming to eradicate racism at its core.  Once you know that we all came from one place how can any "intelligent" human- being hate another over the color of his/her skin. When you know better you do better.

     Like it was mentioned earlier when you know better you do better. History of our species should be taught in grade school thru High school, along with history of the different cultures that developed over time. This would bring about a oneness among humans early in life, and diversity would be common place. Of course with human nature social groups will still form, but of like minded people or people who have the same beliefs. Not for the color of ones skin. This small, short sighted way of thinking would be no more, everyone would socialize not on color but on common interest.
   People who have been put through atrocities such as slavery should be apologized to & awarded with some type of reparation. If not there will always be animosity  deep down against the white skinned (European) of our species with or without the knowledge of humans being one in the same, any one group that harmed another in any way must make things right as a peace offering and to show empathy and an understanding of this new way of thinking so healing can take place.
   Surely these are not the the only solutions or facts that will erase racism of skin color, but one thing is for sure our way of thinking as a people must change and knowledge of self is a good starting point. If we do not there will be many more children, mother's, and Father's dead or heartbroken all because of ignorance that should have been confronted a long time ago. Especially by an "Enlightened People".  Please watch video below.

                         Trayvon Martin and all the other's who have been murdered in cold blood 
                                                     because their skin was to dark. 

     Nina Jablonski breaking down the Illusion of skin color in 15 min. It does not take long to tell the truth, it's undeniable.

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