Wednesday, December 28, 2011


    In life to move forward you must learn from your mistakes, it only makes perfect sense because if your not learning from your mistakes you must not see them as mistakes and you'll keep having the same problems in your life which is insanity.  I make this statement to bring about a old but previous situation in our country that some may gloss over and say it's in our past or we've outgrown it. But I beg to differ I'm speaking of Slavery and The effect it has on African Americans and America as a whole.
    I think this is a subject that if approached honestly and with total compassion by Americans as a whole it should bring up some serious questions, Bring about understanding and maybe some guilt, But that's OK as long as these feeling's breed ideas and solutions to the problem.  Below you'll see an image that will be, Or should be nothing but disturbing to your soul but these images are a must to bring you back to reality and wipe away the gloss that time sometimes brings to a bad situation.   
Rubin Stacey 1935 (An American)
   If what we see shapes our reality then Imagine the pure ignorant reality these precious children grew up with.  Hate it or love it this is the roots of American culture and the only way to right this wrong is to go back and face this harsh reality and untangle this tangled web of ignorance and fear with Love.  The American authorities should face this reality and right the wrongs that were done to the black Americans.  Yes allot of African Americans have made massive moves to upper class society, But there are a disproportionate amount that have not made it and are just plane out behind the curb.
   White Americans I believe have come a long way they did have a big hand in voting in Barrack Obama, There are some who's head's in the sand but I believe that there is just a divide between most blacks and whites from economic status and education, If your well of there's probably not to many Blacks in your community and if you have a educated background ther's few blacks you would come in contact with see that divide?.  This is an amazing topic when you think about it how would life be if we broke that divide and grew as a people. How amazing our country would be, The world would see that and follow suit. We would go from a fear based society to a love based society, Kinda like a old relationship that's been threw the storm, The ups and the downs of a relationship and evolved into a great team.  Maybe that was a lite analogy for 400 years of Slavery, Rapes, Kidnap, & Murder of a people but we are all creations of the most high and we all have the ability to Vibrate on a low as well as a high frequency. So If we think with that higher mind anything is possible, What are you going to do?..


  1. There are some in many circles that want to avoid this issue all together yet,the question is/has remained.We have to address this issue head on in The US Congress.This nation can never move forward until we do.You might not want to hear this but,African Americans are entitled to an financial setttlement to the time their ancestors spent centuries of forced labor with no pay or benefits.Sounds like a bitter pill to swallow.Don't you forget that many of the so called "Founding Fathers" of this country owned African Americans as slaves,a subject you never learn in the history of the US yet,we can't bring this up in our public primary and secondary school systems.Let's open this "Elephant" to heal this nation.

  2. This issue is very real. Most civil rights issue that goes on today slavery was the blueprint for their fight slavery is burried in the sand forgotten about, turn the other cheek they say hard pill to accept even after all these years. The past is part of the present just as much as the present is part of the future. If/when this issue is resolved no one will ever be able to move foward and as a black person the direct party involved how or why should we? Something to think about ?
